2017 亚洲殡仪及墓园博览暨会议





2017 Asia Funeral and Cemetery Expo and Conference
Representatives of Fairy Park Group traveled to Hong Kong to participate in Asia’s largest International Funeral and Cemetery Expo and Conference. Asia Funeral and Cemetery Expo and Conference (AFE) is Asia’s largest international funeral cemetery exhibition and conference. This conference, with Hong Kong and Macao as the Asia’s and international hub, is an unmissable biennial event for the funeral industry. 2017 Asia Funeral and Cemetery Expo and Conference was held in Hong Kong from 16th to 18th of May to enhance the professionalism of the funeral industry via product demonstrations and perspective meetings. During the event, the Managing Director of Fairy Park Group, Mr. Koh Ko Tong was also invited to share with other peers. After the Expo in Hong Kong, the organizer led the delegates to Malaysia to visit and share their experiences with Malaysian peers. Fairy Park Group welcomed the VIPs of AFE for their visit to Fairy Park Klang. The visit was led by Mr. Koh Ko Tong, the Managing Director of Fairy Park Group. In addition to sharing and learning with each other, the peers also expanded their interpersonal network.