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Mr & Ms Farewell


恭喜 M07徐丞宏(1,645票)和 F08黄佩珊(1,368票),成为我们的网络人气 ‪#‎殡帅哥‬ 以及 网络人气 ‪#‎殡美人‬!




请投您心目中的《殡帅哥》一票, 按留言(我支持编号M XX因为。。。)并分享视频!

Vote for your favourite <Mr. Farewell>! Simply Like, Comment (I support Candidate M XX because…) and Share the video.


请投您心目中的《殡美人》一票, 按留言(我支持编号FXX因为。。。)并分享视频!

Vote for your favourite <Ms. Farewell>! Simply Like, Comment (I support CODE FXX because…) and Share the video.






  • 步骤一:填写竞选参赛表格
  • 步骤二:主办单位将联系参赛者作进一步安排。
  • 附加: 参赛者必须在指定日期里接受采访。巴生谷以外的参赛者,恕不受理。截止日期之后报名参赛的人将不予考虑。报名截止日期:8月20日2015年


  • 殯帥哥網絡人氣獎 (RM2000)
  • 殯美人網絡人氣獎 (RM2000)


  1. 得奖名单将在仙境集团《仙境新视界》Facebook官方专页公布。
  2. 殡帅哥殡美人网络人气得奖标准条件, 是获得最高Facebook赞与分享, Website赞 与Youtube播放次数与赞的总数。
  3. 按赞,留言并分享视频的粉丝们,我们将在每个参赛者的支持者中选出一位幸运儿以赢取价值RM100 Jusco现金礼券哦!
  4. 得奖者必须亲自呈交个人资料以作记录,否则恕不受理。
  5. 竞赛期限: 2015年7月30日至10月15日
  6. 仙境集团保有最终决定权

For an earnest expression, confidence and spirit make the best complementing cosmetics!

To engage in the funeral industry, one needs courage, and when performing tasks, a serious professional attitude is what carries it through. The beauty shown by the professionals in the funeral industry reflects the respectable dedication of the current era.

Therefore, FairyPark is holding the world's first in the funeral industry: A "Mr & Miss Funeral" Contest. We hope that through this competition, we can put aside our apprehensions and openly understand the meaning and spirit behind the industry.

Participation method:

Anyone engaged in the funeral industry, regardless of age or religion is welcomed to participate.
  • Step one: Fill in your details into the contest form
  • Step two: Potential contestants will be contacted by phone
  • Please note that participants have to be interviewed within selected dates and participants outside of Klang valley will not be served. Any entry arriving after the closing date will not be entertained. Registration closing date: 20th August 2015


  • Mr Farewell Online (RM2000)
  • Miss Farewell Online (RM2000)

Terms and Conditions

  1. Winners will be announced in Fairy Park Official Facebook profile.
  2. Winners will be selected based on the video with the most Facebook Likes and Shares, Website likes, Youtube likes and views.
  3. Simply Like, Comment and Share the video. A lucky fan will be randomly selected from each contestant’s post to win RM100 worth of Jusco vouchers!
  4. The winners must personally submit their details, any other form of participation will not be accepted.
  5. Contest duration: Year 2015 July 30 to October 15
  6. The decision of Fairy Park is final.


按赞,留言并分享视频的粉丝们,我们将在每个参赛者的支持者中选出一位幸运儿以赢取价值RM100 Jusco现金礼券哦!

Simply Like, Comment and Share the video. A lucky fan will be randomly selected from each contestant’s post to win RM100 worth of Jusco vouchers!

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